Sunday, April 1, 2012

Deprived of Ritual

Topic:  Marriage is a ritual in which many Americans dream to have at least once in their lives but not everyone is allowed to partake in it.

Source:  A chat over Facebook on March 31, 2012 with my friend Michael.

Relation:  During the first few anthro labs, Rebecca talked about how just because you believe something, it doesn't mean everyone else should believe the same thing.  She talked about how different cultures have different traditions and talking to my friend made me think about how some people are deprived of their rights because of the ethnocentric fallacy of others.

Description:  My topic first crossed my mind when I was talking with my friend who is gay.  He was talking about all of the things he wished he could have but then added that he doesn't mind legalizing gay marriage.  He "the ceremony is beautiful but the paperwork is pointless."  I totally agree with him because love should not be based on a piece of paper; however, I do believe that people should be allowed to participate in this symbolic action of love if they choose.  

Commentary:  Growing up, I have always had dreams about a big white wedding with flowers surrounding me. Getting is every girl's dream, right?  I believe marriage is a ritual between two people that symbolizes them becoming one in spirit.  What I don't understand is why would haters try and deprive gay and lesbian couples of marriage.  Americans are more concerned about gay marriage than the environment (Phil B. "Gay Marriages").  Religious is the main argument that people against gay marriage have.  Being gay is considered to be a sin.   It is ridiculous that people are more focused on what others do rather than just focusing on themselves.  Marriage is a ritual that everyone should be able to partake in and restricting a couple from doing so, just because of their sexual orientation and personal beliefs, is depriving them of their natural rights.  Now my question to the people against it is why do you care so much if it is not directly related to you?  The first link below shows multiple photos of gay couples and the comments below them show so much hate.  Many are saying how god says it is wrong but he also says "thou shall not hate" and "thou shall not judge."

Phill B.  "Gay Marriage."  March 1, 2012.  <>.


  1. I completely agree that it is generally narrow minded ignorant people who believe that gay marriage should not be allowed. However I would have really liked to read more about how marriage is a ritual, and how this correlates with gay marriages not being able to under go this ritual, or how they are harmed because of it. For example the sociaital pressure to be married by a certian age is not fair for those who are gay. I think you are on the right track, just just need to elaborate marriage as a ritual! What do you think? How is marriage a ritual?

  2. I really like the topic you chose. It seems to be a religious blockade that is preventing this from happening, which is why it's such a controversial topic. We are promised a separation if church and state. The state is the one that recognizes marriage officially, not religion. Religion is kind of an add-on to a marriage ceremony. So why is religion so involved to e point of preventing marriage? It good that this issue has finally been recognized by the government and will be taken to supreme court. No one should be deprived of the ris our ancestors fought for us to have, marriage is amazing and should be granted for anyone.

  3. I also don't understand why people care so much about something that does not effect them. But just has gays have the right in believing gay marriage, those who oppose it have the right to their own beliefs. This is a very difficult issue in a democracy. If a plurality of people vote against gay marriage (as with prop 8), should it still be morally corrected by a higher court (as it was)? But I believe that with the upcoming generation, gay marriage will be something allowed in most states, hopefully.
